Rent a Land Cruiser car with a 10% discount, New Year’s offers with Tourist Bus Company 01121759535

Tourist Bus Company offers you a special offer on renting a Land Cruiser with a 10% discount! If you are looking for a powerful, luxurious car that offers you an exceptional driving experience on all roads, then the Land Cruiser is the ideal choice for you.
Offer features:
Powerful Performance: The Land Cruiser is equipped with a powerful engine and four-wheel drive system that makes it ideal for off-road adventures.
10% discount: Take advantage of this exclusive offer on renting this luxury car for a limited time.
COMFORT AND STABILITY: Spacious interior design and comfortable seats provide you with an enjoyable travel experience.
Advanced Safety: Equipped with the latest safety technologies to ensure passenger protection in all conditions.
Book now with Tourist Bus and enjoy an exceptional trip with a Land Cruiser.
Book now with Tourist Bus and enjoy an exceptional trip with a Land Cruiser.
- البائع Rania hany
- رقم الاعلان 49140
- المدينة : القاهرة
- السعر : 1000 جنيه مصري
- تاريخ الاضافة : منذ 2 شهر
- رقم الهاتف :
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