Mercedes S500 planet for rent with the best offer in tourist company for new year

Enjoy a luxurious and unconventional driving experience with **Mercedes S500 car rental** service from **Torst Bus** company with the most exclusive discounts! Mercedes S500 is the perfect car for those who are looking for the highest level of luxury and outstanding performance.
The car is equipped with a powerful engine, a luxurious interior with comfortable leather seats and advanced entertainment systems. The Mercedes S500 offers an exceptional driving experience with advanced safety technologies and advanced air conditioning, which ensures comfort and safety throughout the trip.
**Book now with Turest Bas Company** and take advantage of the best offers for renting a Mercedes S500. Call today to experience driving a combination of luxury, power, and comfort at competitive prices!
- البائع Rania hany
- رقم الاعلان 49186
- المدينة : القاهرة
- السعر : 1000 جنيه مصري
- تاريخ الاضافة : منذ 2 شهر
- رقم الهاتف :
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